For an overview, see my CV or Google Scholar Profile.
The focus of my research lies on competition & collaboration, crowdsourcing, and CEO succession. I study these topics in various contexts, most notably entrepreneurial firms, family firms, and sports (e.g., F1, chess, soccer, basketball).
My research underlies my teaching, speaking, and advisory work. I publish in world-leading peer-reviewed journals and have won various awards.
Getting founder- & CEO-Successions right is crucial. You know this from a relay race: You can run as fast as you want, but if you fail to pass the baton to the next runner, you and your company fail.
Mastering the CEO succession is challenging: the current CEO needs to resign, a successor needs to be found, the company must be ready for the succession, the successor needs to be onboarded, and so on. Expectations are high, and the danger of disappointment is looming large.
I often work with private and public companies - often family businesses - to help them get the CEO succession right. Specifically, I work with
Please contact me here if you want to discuss the CEO succession in your company with me.
Making sure the CEO-succession works is the most important job of the owners and the board. While the CEO manages the company, the owners and the board need to decide who is in charge. I help owners and boars to manage the complete succession process. Identifying candidates, selecting a successor, dealing with ownership issues (e.g., transfer of ownership, (partial) sale etc.).
It is crucial for a good succession that the current CEO is supportive. While CEOs often initially want to ensure a good succession, they often end up being a hindrance rather than helpful. I work with the current CEO to get themselves - and the company ready for succession.
Companies have multiple candidates for the CEO position. These candidates may have CEO potential, but are for sure not ready. For example, high-performing managers. I help companies assess and coach such managers. I also help devise a career plan that helps them to one day take on the CEO position.
Once the next CEO determines it is crucial that (s)he is prepared for the succession. The first hundred days are crucial - but also the year before the first hundred days is crucial. I help the next CEO to be well-prepared to take over the reigns.
I often give trainings, workshops, and keynotes at companies. I customize the content of my speeches and workshops to match your particular interests and situation. The focus, though, consistently revolves around my areas of expertise
(1) how to make companies and their managers more entrepreneurial,
(2) how to manage the CEO-succession, and
(3) how to collaborate and compete more effectively.
I speak online or in person. If you want me to speak at your company, you can contact me here.
WEBINAR: Between the Lines
I also run the INSEAD webinar “Between the Lines” I interview (mostly) business school professors who have written great books; for example, I have interviewed Herminia Ibarra, Erin Meyer, Ethan Mollick, Jennifer Petriglieri, Markus Reitzig, Alex Edmans, Bob Sutton, Katy Milkman, Amy Edmondson, Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Scott Page. I announce new webinars on LinkedIn. So, if you are interested, just follow me there.
About Me
I am a professor at The Wharton School. Before joining Wharton, I was a professor at INSEAD. I got a Ph.D. from Stanford University, a Master's degree from the London School of Economics (LSE), and a Diplom-Kaufmann from the University of Mannheim. I was also the founder-CEO of a company. When I left the company, it had 25 employees and customers in 80 countries. The CEO-succession was successful - and as of 2025, the company continues to thrive.
How to succeed in the academic job market
Code for text analysis
YouTube Channel (e.g., interviews with entrepreneurs, investors, and academics)
Acceptance speech for the Emerging Scholar Award